Give Devin access to your GitHub

Refer to the following GitHub Integration Guide for more information
  1. Go to Settings > Integrations to begin setting up the GitHub integration. Click on Connect.

  2. Select the repo(s) you’d like to integrate.

  3. If you cannot yet integrate your organization’s GitHub, integrate a personal GitHub account.

Perform one-time installation and setup on Devin’s machine. You’ll be able to start new Devin sessions from this point, every time.

Start any Devin session and tell Devin to do the setup or installation needed (clone repositories, set up environments, etc.).

Optionally, you can tell Devin to pause and wait for you to do some setup yourself - this can sometimes be faster if you’re very familiar with the setup process. To do this, click on the VSCode icon or select Use Devin’s Machine in the menu in the top right hand corner of Devin’s Workspace.


This will open an interactive file editor, complete with a shell.


Create a machine snapshot

Check out the Machine Snapshots guide for more information
  1. Once you’re done with setup and installation, click Create machine snapshot.

    A snapshot allows you to start from the same machine state (with everything you’ve downloaded/installed) on any future Devin session. This lets you skip installation steps going forward.


  1. Fill out the required information to create the snapshot. Please note that:
    1. The snapshot will be shared with all other members of your org. Choose a descriptive name.
    2. The snapshot description is used by Devin to understand the contents of the machine image. Devin ‘forgets’ all of context from the original session. As a result, you should mention anything that would be helpful for future Devins to know!
    3. Startup commands will execute sequentially and automatically at the beginning of every session started with a snapshot. As an example, you can have Devin cd your-repo, git pull and npm install at the beginning of every session.
  2. You can find all your snapshots on the home page. Remember to select the machine snapshot you want to use before starting a new session.


  1. [Optional] Consider setting a default Quick Start containing the snapshot you created. All subsequent sessions will automatically start from this snapshot, including sessions started on Slack.


All Done!

Congrats! You’ve onboarded Devin and can start building together. Keep in mind that Devin works best when you:

  • Tell Devin how to check its progress
  • Break down big tasks
  • Share detailed requirements upfront
  • Run multiple sessions in parallel

If you need support please don’t hesitate to drop us an email at