Devin operates in its own VM workspace and sometimes needs to access resources within your internal network (e.g., internal package registry, staging services, self-hosted services). Like your developers, Devin can use a client VPN to connect to your internal network.

Prerequisites Checklist

Before setting up VPN access, verify the following:

  1. Public Access Verification

    • Confirm these services are not accessible via the public internet
    • For cloud-hosted services (e.g., Gitlab Cloud Package Registry, JFrog Artifactory Cloud), an access token is typically sufficient
  2. Authentication Method

    • Using a service account to authenticate is recommended
      • Credentials can be securely stored via Devin’s Secrets functionality
    • If a service account cannot be provisioned, please contact

Setting up OpenVPN

OpenVPN comes pre-installed in Devin’s workspace. To configure:

  1. Upload your config.ovpn configuration file to Devin’s workspace by dragging and dropping it into the VSCode instance
  1. Set up OpenVPN as a system service by creating the file /etc/systemd/system/openvpn.service:
Description=OpenVPN Client Service

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/openvpn --config /path/to/config.ovpn


Then reload systemd, enable and start the service.

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable openvpn
sudo systemctl start openvpn

This ensures the VPN connection is managed by the system and automatically restarts if it fails.

Alternative VPN Clients

If your organization uses a different VPN solution:

Publicly Available VPN Clients

For clients like Fortinet that can be installed via a package manager:

  1. Install the client during setup using the appropriate package manager commands:
    sudo apt install forticlient
  2. Configure the startup command to establish connection

Private VPN Clients

For clients like Palo Alto GlobalProtect that require a binary installation:

  1. Upload the client binary and certificate to Devin’s workspace by dragging and dropping it into the VSCode instance

  2. Install using:

    sudo dpkg -i /path/to/GlobalProtect_deb.deb
  1. Configure the startup command:
    globalprotect import-certificate --location /path/to/cert