September 3, 2024

Devin responds to comments on PRs

Try reviewing Devin’s code via Github or Github Mobile — Devin will automatically respond as long as the session hasn’t ended and Devin isn’t sleeping.

Devin suggests Knowledge

Try giving Devin feedback in chat! Devin will automatically suggest new additions to Knowledge if something seems useful for future sessions.

Knowledge is a collection of tips, documentation, and instructions that Devin “knows” across all future sessions. Devin will automatically recall relevant Knowledge as necessary, and you can always manually add or review Knowledge in Settings & Library > Knowledge.

Let Devin create Devins with MultiDevin

Tackle large backlogs of tasks by delegating to a team of Devins that work in parallel. MultiDevin consists of 1 “manager” Devin and up to 10 “worker” Devins.

The manager Devin distributes a task to each worker Devin, then merges the changes from all successful worker Devins into one branch or pull request. MultiDevin is great for repeated, isolated tasks like lint errors, code clean-ups, migrations, refactors, and more!


Enterprise VPC Deployment

Devin offers an enterprise deployment option tailored for organizations with stringent security and compliance requirements. Our cloud-agnostic solution allows Devin to deploy DevBoxes within your own Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and to store data within your cloud, ensuring your data remains exclusively within your controlled environment.

“Wake up” old Devin sessions

Previously, Devin sessions ended after long periods of inactivity. Now, most sessions will “sleep” instead, meaning that you can wake Devin up and resume the session at any point.

You can still end sessions manually with the “stop” button at the top right corner of the chat.


Send Devin code reviews in product

Ask Devin questions or ask for edits to specific lines of code. The code you comment on will be sent to Devin in one chat message.

Simply highlight any text in Devin’s editor and click “Add to chat” or “Add a comment”.


July 15, 2024

Universal Planner

With Universal Planner, Devin can now more reliably perform long, multi-step tasks that require looping — in other words, tasks that require performing the same action multiple times — without needing to use Playbooks.


Playbooks are still recommended for tasks and prompts that will be run multiple times or prompts that are helpful to share with your team.

Devin got smarter!

Many of our improvements this week have been behind the scenes improvements to Devin’s instruction following, editing, planning, and speed:

📚 Playbooks no longer expect or require a rigid structure (e.g. ## Procedure section is no longer needed)

💬 Devin is a better communicator! When Devin makes notable deviations from the initial plan, it will inform you more reliably.

🔢 Devin is less reliant on playbooks and can follow ad-hoc plans more effectively

Add secrets to library mid-session

Convenience improvement for secrets management:


 General UI Improvements

We’ve done some cleanup to our mobile UI, settings page, and session controls.

 Devin is now faster!

You’ll notice that Devin has a faster time to the first message, and is quicker at completing some actions. Expect more improvements in the coming days!

 Devin’s Work Log

Devin now maintains a work log in its planner. More quickly grok what Devin’s accomplished with the work log!

Open the accordions to read Devin’s retro of its work at each step. 🟢/ 🟠 / 🔴 correspond to A/B/C grades. You’ll also find timestamps and how long Devin spent at each step.

 Devin Mobile Improvements

Try Devin while on the go - Devin mobile is now more usable, although we have a couple other improvements in the works!

Slack Integration 2.0

Create sessions directly from Slack, attach Playbooks and Snapshots using Slack’s convenient modal interface!

Look for the “Create a new session” option in the message menu (you may need to click “More message shortcuts” the first time you try this)



Also try the /devin shortcut or open Slack’s shortcut launcher


Use “send to channel” to mirror sessions started via the web app on Slack

This enables anyone in the channel (with Devin access) to quickly follow along and collaborate with Devin!


Seamless communication across Slack channels and web app

Messages sent via the web app are now mirrored in Slack threads and vice versa

Turn on Slack notifications mid-session

Slack notifications are now more informative, containing message contents and session title.


June 30, 2024

Use Devin’s Editor and Shell

It can sometimes be more convenient to directly take actions for Devin, rather than providing instructions for Devin to follow.

We’re excited to share that you can now directly use Devin’s machine. The new “Use Devin’s Machine” button in the web interface opens VSCode in a new tab. Using VSCode, you can directly read and edit Devin’s files, as well as open up a terminal in Devin’s machine.


You can now restore live sessions to a previous state. Rewind Devin’s memory and file system to any past moment in time and resume - useful for undoing wrong decisions, exploring alternative solutions, quickly iterating on playbooks/prompts, etc.


Restoring a checkpoint returns Devin to a previous point in time — Devin’s files and memory will be rolled back. This is particularly useful…

  • When Devin made good progress, but then makes a mistake — it can often be faster to revert Devin’s changes and let Devin retry with hints (or take over and complete the task yourself by using Devin’s machine), rather than working on top of Devin’s mistakes
  • When iterating on a playbook or prompt — try editing a playbook, and rolling back afterwards to quickly test whether the edit enables Devin to succeed reliably

Live Playbook Editing

You can now edit playbooks while you’re running a session! If Devin isn’t responding to the playbook instructions as desired, you can rollback to a previous state in the session, edit the step in the playbook you want to make clearer for Devin, and retry the individual step, instead of rerunning the whole playbook in a new session.

This will allow you to test and iterate to make the playbook more reliable, much faster!


 Playbook Editing

Quickly edit a playbook before sending it to Devin. Selected playbooks show up inside of the input box and the input box can be expanded, enabling fast and convenient edits to a Playbook before sending it to Devin.

Inline and in-session playbook edits won’t be reflected in the Playbook Library unless you click the “Update Playbook in library” button. Alternatively, save your edits as new Playbook with the “Create new Playbook in library” button.


Forbidden Actions Reliability

Devin now abides by forbidden actions more reliably when it’s told what not to do via user messages or Playbooks.

## Forbidden Actions
- Do NOT touch any Kotlin code
- Do NOT push directly to the main branch.
- Do NOT work on the main branch
- Do NOT commit changes to the yarn.lock or package-lock.json files unless asked to explicitly.

Playbooks Library & Past Runs

Explore how your teammates are using Playbooks in the new “Past runs” tab, and directly select Playbooks from library

 Ask Devin about Devin

Devin is now aware of its own product features and improvements! Try asking Devin what it knows about the Devin web app, and it’ll explain its features and where to find them.


Start Duplicate Sessions

Quickly kick off 2+ similar sessions with the new “Start duplicate session” button in the sidebar. You’ll be redirected to the Devin home page with your initial message pre-populated along with any attachments, playbooks, and snapshots.

We recommend kicking off 2+ Devin sessions for some tasks, to give Devin more chances to succeed!


 Home Screen Upgrades & Shortcuts

The new Devin home screen makes it faster to explore and select Playbooks and Snapshots. We also introduced Shortcuts. Select a snapshot and/or playbook and save them as a shortcut so that they’re quick to reuse!



PR Metrics Dashboard

The PR metrics view aggregates all PRs made by Devin. The PR metrics view is available at!


Session Filtering

Quickly filter all of your sessions by creator, status, playbook, date, etc.


May 29, 2024

Playbooks Library

You can now easily create, view and use playbooks by going to the Devin app > Library > Playbooks. You’ll be able to create playbooks for your personal use cases, and explore playbooks from the community. Any playbooks you create will be shared with your team.


You can click in any of your Team or Community Playbooks to see example runs as inspiration for how to use a given playbook.


Playbook Compiler

With the playbook compiler, you can now quickly iterate on your playbook to make sure the format, structure and content are optimized for the best playbook session results.

💡 Tip:

  • Write your playbook in the Content on the left hand side
  • Click compile and review the newly formatted Playbook
  • You can always edit and update the compiled Playbook. When it’s ready, click create!


 Interactive Browser

Interactive Browser allows users to directly use Devin’s browser. This feature is especially helpful for browser tasks where Devin may require assistance, such as completing CAPTCHAs, multifactor authentication steps and more.



Knowledge is a collection of tips, instructions, and organizational context for Devin. You can continually add to Devin’s bank of knowledge over time, and Devin will automatically recall relevant knowledge as necessary.


You can easily add knowledge to Devin’s “knowledge bank”, or disable it if needed. View when and how Devin is using Knowledge in any run’s progress updates.

 View Code Updates

During a session, you can now click into Devin’s progress updates to view specific code edits Devin made while working through the sub-tasks. You can also view these directly from the Editor.

Progress Updates View


Editor Updates View


Code updates will open a modal where you can track new code written by Devin up to that specific point in time in the session.


 View Shell Updates

During a session, you can now click into Devin’s progress updates to view specific shell commands Devin used while working through the sub-tasks. You can also view the Command History from the Shell.


Progress View Shell Updates


 Shell Command History

Shell updates will show you the full Command History and related outputs. You can easily copy a command and output by clicking on the three-dots icon.

Any commands that are italicized are commands run at a future point in time in the session, you can jump to different points in time in the session by clicking on different commands in the Command History section.


May 13, 2024

 Machine Snapshot Startup Commands

For a given machine snapshot, you can now set a list of startup commands that will be run at the beginning of every run. Some details:

  • The commands are run from ~
  • The commands run in sequence (so having cd dir and then ls will do ls from dir)
  • Each command is given a 2 minute timeout (so you can’t run long-running servers with these commands)


Learn more about Machine Snapshots here: Machine Snapshots Guide

 Command History


With command history, you can easily see a list of all the commands that Devin ran, along with a preview of their outputs.

💡 Tip:

  • Click on a command to jump to the timestamp where Devin used the command.
  • Click the menu icon (appears when you hover over a command) to copy the full output.


 Keep Alive

Deprecation Warning: This is no longer a supported feature. Devin can be woken up again any time after going to sleep now. It is recommended that hosted services be deployed elsewhere with Devin’s help.

Keep Alive will keep a session alive indefinitely, and will count against Technical Preview users’ daily quota. Manually terminating a session will override Keep Alive.

Note that Keep Alive is useful for keeping any hosted services ( links) alive, but is not necessary if Devin helps you deploy apps using third party services like Netlify, Firebase, Vercel, etc.


 Browser Notifications


Get notified when Devin sends you a message. You can find this under Settings > Profile.

 Pause Devin

The new pause button is a shortcut and alternative to telling Devin to pause.


 Open VS Code: Access Devin’s machine

Open VS Code lets you read and edit files on Devin’s machine just like if you were working with Devin in VSCode. You can also open up a terminal in Devin’s machine, which means you have full access to Devin’s machine.

💡 Tip: Combine VSCode with our Machine Snapshots feature to set up everything Devin needs to be productive moving forward:

  • Tell Devin “Run pwd and then pause. Do not do anything else.”
  • Open VSCode and open up a terminal once Devin is paused
  • Do any machine setup yourself (install packages, configure repos, etc.)
  • Create a snapshot. Moving forward start sessions with this snapshot - all your future Devins will benefit from the setup you prepared!

Learn more here: Interacting with Devin’s Machine

 Cookies + Persisted Secrets

With Persisted Secrets, any secrets that you add in the Settings page will be usable by Devin in all future Devin sessions.

Additionally, with site cookies, Devin will find that it’s already logged in to sites you provide valid cookies for (no login required by Devin!).

  • Note that this is a beta feature and may not work for some sites, but we’ve found that it works for Amazon and Resy, and are excited to explore together what else this enables!
  • Additionally, Devin may still ask for credentials. You’ll need to remind Devin to first check using its browser whether it’s already logged in!

Learn more here: Persisted Secrets + Site Cookies

 [Organizations] Unlist Sessions

This feature is only available to Organizations, not Technical Preview or Personal accounts

My default, all new sessions are visible to your Team (aka Organization). To make a session private to you, click the menu icon (which appears on hover) next to your session name in the sidebar to find the Unlist session option.


  [Organizations] Slack Integration

This feature is only available to Organizations, not Technical Preview or Personal accounts

Once you’ve connected Slack to your organization, you’ll be able to initialize Devin directly just by tagging @Devin in Slack. Devin responds in-thread with updates and questions, just as in the regular chat interface.

You can also enable Slack notifications for specific runs and Devin will privately message you whenever there’s a status update. To do so, simply click the Slack icon at the top of any run you’d like to be notified for.

💡 Tip: Use these inline Slack commands to manage your Devin session:

  • “mute” → prevents Devin from sending further Slack messages.
  • “unmute” → reverses the above.
  • “(aside)” → causes Devin to ignore the message (useful for commenting on Devin’s run in-thread).
  • “EXIT” → ends the session.
  • snapshot:[snapshot-name] → Use a particular snapshot with your run
  • playbook:[playbook-name] → Use a particular playbook with your run

Learn more here: Slack Integration Guide